Scot Keith
Senior Archaeologist

Scot is a Registered Professional Archaeologist and has been practicing archaeology since receiving his B.A. from the University of Georgia in 1992 and a M.S. degree in 1998 from the University of Southern Mississippi. He has conducted and led all phases of work, from reconnaissanceOften conducted in conjunction with a records review. A reconnaissance survey consists of a site visit, occasionally with limited subsurface examination. In and of itself, a reconnaissance does not satisfy Section 106 requirements. surveys to data recoveries, and has worked on a wide variety of site types. While the bulk of Scot's work has been conducted in Georgia, he has worked in all the surrounding states, the Midsouth, and the Midwest. As Senior Archaeologist at Southern Research, he writes proposals, leads projects as Principal Investigator, conducts fieldwork, mentors other archaeologists, and writes and reviews reports. He also provides technical assistance and consultation with clients and agencies. His personal research interests are focused on the Native American Middle Woodland period, particularly Swift Creek Complicated Stamped pottery and interaction. Outside of work, Scot plays pickleball and disc golf, likes to woodwork and barbeque, and occasionally homebrews.