Dean Wood
Special Projects Director

Dean Wood, RPA, joined Southern Research in 1993 and is a Principal and Co-Owner. He assists clients with their proposed developments when cultural resource compliance involves complex federal, tribal, and state agency review. Dean received a B.A. in Anthropology from West Georgia College and a M.A. in Anthropology (emphasis in archaeology) from the University of Georgia. His experience spans five decades and includes directing large scale archaeological investigations in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina as well as extensive administrative duties at three consulting firms and with the Department of Defense. Most recently, he guided both the City of Columbus and Georgia Power Company through the NEPAA national policy encouraging “productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and biosphere and stimulate the health and welfare of men; to enrich the understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources important to the Nation; and to establish a Council on Environmental Quality”. and Section 106Section of the 1966 National Historic Preservation Act that requires agencies to consider the effects of an undertaking on archaeological sites and/or historic resources should federal funding, permitting, or licensing be involved. compliance process for two major historic dam removal projects on the Chattahoochee River in Alabama and Georgia. When he isn’t working, he tends a large garden, raises bream and bass, and messes with old British sports cars.